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Letter from Jorge Álvarez Garcés, Grupo ONDOAN CEO


Letter from Jorge Álvarez Garcés, Grupo ONDOAN CEO

In this letter, the CEO of Grupo ONDOAN, Jorge Álvarez Garcés, would like to convey ONDOAN’s full availability and commitment to offering its services with the highest degree of quality and efficiency, while guaranteeing people’s health and seeking the most appropriate solutions to tackle the problems that the coronavirus crisis may cause. To this end, Grupo ONDOAN is encouraging telecommuting solutions while also reorganising and adapting its maintenance and support services and its direct presence in projects and at worksites.


Zamudio, 23 March 2020

 Dear friends,

The effects of the health crisis, caused by the spread of the coronavirus-Covid 19 pandemic, are not only affecting the health and lives of people but are also putting businesses to the test. We are experiencing an extraordinary situation, in which businesses will play a decisive role.

Since our group, Ondoan, was established almost 40 years ago, we have been known for our constant effort, our commitment to the environment and our permanent availability and vocation of service to our customers, the real reason for our existence, who have always responded by placing their trust in us. Now, more than ever, this spirit enables us to stand firm and honour our acquired commitments, duty and responsibility, which translates into our full availability towards our customers and projects.

Given the current and special circumstances, we would like to reach out to you to express our full availability and commitment to continue offering you our services, to the extent possible, while we also express our firm willingness to seek the most relevant and appropriate solutions to address the many problems that the coronavirus crisis may cause.

To this end, the Ondoan Group is adapting its structure and organisational model to ensure we are in a position to provide our services with the highest level of quality and efficiency while always guaranteeing people’s health. With this in mind, we have implemented certain day-to-day measures, such as telecommuting, we are reorganising and adapting our maintenance and support services, as well as our direct presence in projects and at worksites. In addition, we are coordinating permanently with our parent company, Corporación Mondragón.

We are convinced that these are times that require social responsibility and ethics in the field of business. It is time for best practices and responsible behaviour. Therefore, now more than ever, we must promote and foster a loyal and consistent relationship between customers and suppliers. We must be aware that companies are part of a large chain, made up of small links that are dependent on each other. Breaking any one of them inevitably implies breaking the whole. Companies must take care of each other, in the belief that only together we will overcome this situation. And for that reason, we are counting on you.

Thank you for your attention and trust. Once again, I would like to remind you that we are at your disposal. Kind regards,

Jorge Álvarez Garcés



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Here’s to another 40 years of shared success



